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Building template for archtop dovetail

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:59 pm
by Enrico Schiaffella
Hello everyone,
I want to build a template jig for routing the dovetail. For several reasons I don’t want to use the commercial products. The question is, by knowing the diameter of the collet, the angle of the dovetail bit and the bottom diameter, is there a magical formula to calculate the exact dimensions of the male and female templates?
I am very afraid to screw up this crucial step.

Thanks Enrico

Re: Building template for archtop dovetail

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 3:44 pm
by Mike Conner
I didn't have a magic formula but created my own templates and jigs that have worked out really well. You can find some images in my "Detailed Build/Tutorials" threads, and in my Journals posted here on MIMF: ... dition.pdf

Take the time to make some "dummy" neck blanks - I use pine framing lumber for the neck and the body. This allows you to practice, adjust your jigs, and repeat until you are confident enough to go at the actual guitar parts. I am on my tenth build (my first flat top guitar) but I make dummy necks and practiced every time.

Re: Building template for archtop dovetail

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:03 pm
by Enrico Schiaffella
Oh thank you. Nice tutorial. I will take inspiration by it. Thanks.