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first Hurdy Gurdy
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:07 pm
by Oldrich Simpach
Hello everyone. Im 18 yo from Czech Republic and i fell in love with hurdy gurdies. I dreamed to own one for few years, but i can not afford it. So ive decided to make one. To note... it is my first string instument build and i realise it is very challanging instrument to start with. The wood i used is european oak for the boards and ash for the massive parts of the body, for the wheel, box and keys im planing on using mahogany. Im planing on using hoffman dovetailing system to connect some parts, also U-shape brass Buckle Clip Nail. When it comes to glue im wondering between pur glue and titebond. Im still not sure how to make the dogs the best. Im glad for any reproaches and advices. Wish you a nice day Šimpach.
Re: first Hurdy Gurdy
Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:07 pm
by Clay Schaeffer
Welcome Oldrich,
Charlie Schultz (forum owner) has built a Hurdy Gurdy as well as a few others who post here, so you should get some good advice for any questions you may have.
Re: first Hurdy Gurdy
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:00 pm
by Marshall Dixon
Oldrich Simpach wrote:
When it comes to glue im wondering between pur glue and titebond.
Hello and welcome. Pardon the delay in response.
I had to look up pur glue. It seems this is a hot melt glue and non reversible.
I've had time where I got everything glued up and clamped down then realized I was off a hair and had to take things apart and do over. Titebond is probably more forgiving of doing this. It has a long open time and can be taken apart within the first 15 minutes and cleaned up. I've had to do this more than once.
Titebond needs to be clamped together long enough to prevent any separation of the joint before it’s ”cured.” That may be a consideration for you.
You may find that one type of glue is better for a particular application than another and find yourself using both.
For a quick grabbing, “super-glue” quality, try using hot hide glue. It has a bit of a learning curve but is reversible and much easier to clean up preserving the wood underneath when repairing or replacing something. For instance, how about the felt on the wheel? Seems that would be a part that needs replacement.
I don't think you could go wrong with Titebond, though.
Best of luck with this build. I love the hurdy-gurdy.
Re: first Hurdy Gurdy
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:18 am
by Jo Dusepo
+1 for hide glue. The reversibility will be very useful for a first instrument, and of course is necessary for any repairs on any instrument.
Looking good so far and look forward to seeing more.