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Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:46 pm
by Alan Dust
Can anyone tell me where I can get quality transducers/piezo discs like those used on Fishman and K&K Mini Pro? And are they better than the cheap ones from China on eBay?
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:32 am
by David King
The simple answers are probably no and yes.
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:54 am
by Jim McConkey
Stew-Mac sells a Schatten soundboard transducer piezo disk. No idea if it is as good as a Fishman, but no doubt better than cheap Chinese ones. I have a Schatten, along with a Pick Up The World transducer on my cittern (wired to a stereo end jack). I definitely prefer the PUTW, but I don't think they are made any more. The Schatten sounds fine for a piezo, but lacks bass response, like most piezos.
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:01 am
by Alan Dust
Thanks, I'll check out the Schatten. As far as the Fishman, I haven't had very good luck with their SBT-E model. I ordered two and both have a hum. The second one is back at the manufacturer now supposedly being repaired. It is a very simple hook-up; one lead to ground and one to tip which the buyer has to do. Why they don't send it already assembled, I have absolutely no idea. I tested the finished unit with an ohm meter and found no problem, so I am anxious to here their findings.
My goal was to find parts so I could build my own. It's only two parts, the switch jack and the transducer (piezo disc). The most expensive switch jack I came across was about $20, so even if I had to pay that much for the disc it would be less than half of what the Fishman and much less than the K&K Mini Pro at $100
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:01 am
by Bob Gramann
These guys might have what you want: I have never ordered from them, so I can’t vouch for the quality of service or product, but the disks are so inexpensive that you can buy some and try them.
I install K&K pickups for purchases of my instruments who want a pickup.
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:15 pm
by Alan Dust
Hey, thanks Bob, I'll give them a try. Ordered some off eBay from China and wasn't happy with discs at all. I have the K&K in my guitar, I was just looking for a cheaper (and that can always be a problem...'cheaper') alternative for those customers who don't want to invest much in a cheap (there's that word again) guitar.
Yes, I'm happy with the K&K! I ordered one of the Schattens off the internet for $27 and will give that a try also.
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:23 pm
by Bob Gramann
I can’t compete on price. I have to go for quality. I want a sure thing for my customers.
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:40 pm
by David King
Alan, Are you set up as a K& K dealer? I find them particularly affordable for the ease of installation and sound quality.
Re: Transducer/Piezo Disc
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:04 pm
by Randolph Rhett
I suspect the disks themselves are fairly standard. But I find that the wiring and protective backing you get from K&K worth the money. That said, I've started using JJB for half the price and can detect no difference. One caveat, JJB uses some pretty mediocre Chinese end pin jacks. On my next order I think I will ask him to omit them. The PBC volume pot is nice. I wish I knew where he sources those.