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Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 8:19 pm
by Greg Martin
I have a 2014 Epiphone lp and it fell and the head tore off right at the nut/ truss rod area. Its not a nice long tapered break but a break where the fibres are didnt affect any of the head its a straight aacross even if it could be meshed back together there would be no strength.if i wanted to rout in splines,id have to remove the fingerboard and truss rod.bad deal. Should i try to save this or pull it and remake the neck complete?
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:20 am
by Gordon Bellerose
Pictures would be a real help. Impossible to tell you anything without seeing it.
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:58 am
by Barry Daniels
I have done these with splines installed from the back of the neck, or a backstrap.
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:13 pm
by Brian Evans
I saw a picture on I think the Frank Ford chat group, they jigged up to rout for two splines from the back, either side of the truss rod, and added a back strap, so very much the same idea as Barry. You'd have to decide if a recent Epi LP is worth it, some are really very nice and some are really cheap. I saw one in a Future Shop for $189 once.
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:27 pm
by Greg Martin
Oh yes i forgot about Fords site,lot of info and pics,thanks.
Im going to pull the finger board and truss rod and try to install a 2 way rod and then deside about wood splines or maybe graphite stiffeners at that time.
Thanks guys
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:42 pm
by Stephen Neal Saqui
I like your last post....removing fingerboard and splines on either side of the tension rod.
You may not gain much from a tension rod swap. How well did the original rod work? Two-way rods are not that efficient...I'll probably get hammered for saying that but have done a lot of this stuff.
Is the logo on the head an inlay? If so, can you make a new head veneer? Also a black veneer on the back which tapers into the neck. Lots of extra work so must be worth doing.
These things will, of course, hide the break except for the edges. But they'll also give huge strength to the head...far more than was original. It all depends on value and your energy!
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:26 am
by Mark Swanson
I have repaired a lot of those guitars. The wood they use for the necks is a very weak wood and they break easily at that point. Fix it with a backstrap, move on.
Re: Ephiphone lp headstock break suggestions needed
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:34 pm
by Jeffrey L. Suits
I've seen that exact same break on those Epi Pauls. Really punky, inferior wood.