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dovetail jigs for Ukes.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:22 am
by Greg Steil
Does anyone have/use a jig set up like the Stew Mac one for doing dovetails on Ukes? Has anyone made one or is there a link to something?

Re: dovetail jigs for Ukes.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:31 pm
by Jim Ritter
I made these a while ago, they are totally adjustable to fine tune the fit. They worked great, now I just need to get back to making ukes.





Feel free to ask questions, it been a while since I used them but I'll do my best.

Re: dovetail jigs for Ukes.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:39 am
by Greg Steil
very cool, and They don't look too hard to make. Dig that plywood as well. Thanks for the great pictures and ideas.