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Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:51 am
by Matthew Lau
Can you help me rethink my tool organization?

The past 5 years of my life were constant moving from site to site to find work.
I didn't have a true shop to work in, so moved my tools in whatever worked.
After finding my expensive diamond fret file after a few years of not seeing it, I've decided to completely reorganize my tools around systainers (no time or energy to really make tool boxes).

Can you guys help me figure out a "tool set" for each function?

I have a "neck shaping" box done:
1. Rasps,
2. spokeshaves,
3. some Carruth scrapers
4. profile gauge.
5. no sure what else? Nut/needle files? small straight edge

I have a ROS sander box, and a sandpaper box.

I plan to do an "electronics" box:
1. digital controlled soldering iron
2. multimeter
3. desolder pump
4. honking big, cheapy soldering iron for removing large masses
5. hemostats to act as heat sink
6. heat shrink material
7. solder

I want to do a "Japanese woodwork" box
1. Chisels- oire nomi (the hooped ones)
2. Hammer
3. Flexible square (sashigane)
4. Folding Japanese saw
5. Marking knife

Maybe a "binding and inlay" box?
1. Binding gramil (2)
2. small chisels
3. small router plane (an old mahogany one I got off ebay)
4. Bard Parker handle and #25 blades (best in biz imo).
5. Maybe a saw to cut inlay with.
6. maybe a small scraper for binding slots

Any more ideas? Maybe brace carving? Screwing and drilling (silently)?


ps. Ironically, I don't have Festool anything.

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:44 pm
by Mark Fogleman
Have you seen this a large systainer?



There's even a portable work'bench' systainer option on this guy's Pintrest page. Very good "Systoolbox ideas here: ... -toolbags/

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:22 am
by Clay Schaeffer
Rather than a box for different elements of the construction process you might consider the more usual approach of a tool box that organizes tools by type (i.e. Hammers in one drawer, files in another, chisels another, planes etc....). It may allow you to not think of a tool as only having one use, and also allow you to consider different ways to accomplish a given task. A mechanic's tool chest might be a good starting point to organizing tools if you decide to go this way.

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:42 pm
by Matthew Lau
Thanks, guys!

I'd seen the official "woodworking" systainer, but felt that it was a bit restrictive.
Currently, I'm putting together stuff like a series of mobil drawers.

I'll post pics when I'm satisfied with it.

I still need to clean up my shopvac/dust collector.

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:16 pm
by Matthew Lau
Clay Schaeffer wrote:Rather than a box for different elements of the construction process you might consider the more usual approach of a tool box that organizes tools by type (i.e. Hammers in one drawer, files in another, chisels another, planes etc....). It may allow you to not think of a tool as only having one use, and also allow you to consider different ways to accomplish a given task. A mechanic's tool chest might be a good starting point to organizing tools if you decide to go this way.
btw, I've looked into the mechanic's chest.
However, I have a really tiny car, and wouldn't be able to transport it in the case of a move.

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:00 pm
by Bryan Bear
Clay Schaeffer wrote:Rather than a box for different elements of the construction process you might consider the more usual approach of a tool box that organizes tools by type (i.e. Hammers in one drawer, files in another, chisels another, planes etc....). It may allow you to not think of a tool as only having one use, and also allow you to consider different ways to accomplish a given task. A mechanic's tool chest might be a good starting point to organizing tools if you decide to go this way.
For the most part, I agree with Clay here. I don't like the idea of keeping tools together by task as it can limit you options when confronted with a new task. You may not think to use a particular tool if it is put away with a kit for a given task when it would be the best way to approach a problem that pops up with some other project. The exception I would make are for some of the more specific to lutherie tools. I'm thinking of putting together a set up kit. Probably a cigar box to house bone blanks nut files fretwork files and such. So when it comes time to do the nut and saddle and set up a new guitar, I can grab a box and have everything I might need right in front of me. More importantly, keeping some of those tools away from more common versions of that type of tool will make me think twice about using it to do some random home improvement task. Some day I might need to enlarge a small hole or file a narrow grove in something and I will want to resist the temptation to use my bridge reamer or nut files. . .

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:01 am
by Matthew Lau

Thanks for the information. I agree with you, for what it's worth.
The reason why I like the systainer system is because they all click together and separate as needed--with one hand.
It's a pretty weird system that can act both like a mechanics cart, and also like a glorified surgical cassette (what I'm more used to).

Here's a link.

At first, I wanted all my boxes to match, like the festool guys (ironically, I only have two pieces of festool kit--one clamp, and a mftc box). Then, I found myself fumbling between the soldering iron/electrical box, and my woodworking box. I think that I'll end up plastering huge, tacky, colored labels to keep track of things.

Re: Thinking of putting together systainers for different funtions in lutherie...

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:37 pm
by Simon Magennis
Matthew Lau wrote:...
However, I have a really tiny car, and wouldn't be able to transport it in the case of a move.
Maybe you should upgrade to an Aixam Mega truck … ... 54943.html

More seriously, I have been thinking of getting a set of drawers on wheels, maybe like some of the under desk things for offices, and adapt if for my guitar tools.