Bend Uke sides in full size fox bender

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Mike Ryan
Posts: 153
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:11 pm

Bend Uke sides in full size fox bender

Post by Mike Ryan »

Anybody here every bend sides for a tenor uke or a baritone in a standard size fox bender for guitars??
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Bryan Bear
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Re: Bend Uke sides in full size fox bender

Post by Bryan Bear »

I assume you mean making an uke sized form to go over it and are asking about using the same blanket and setup. I haven't done it but I don't see why it wouldn't work. I suppose you would need new springs since the body length would be so much shorter. Your sides would be a lot shorter too leaving more blanket to overhang. It might be a good idea to clamp something to the hanging ends to be a bit of a heatsink. If your sides end up being less than half the width (body depth) of your blanket, you could bend them at the same time.

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Mike Ryan
Posts: 153
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:11 pm

Re: Bend Uke sides in full size fox bender

Post by Mike Ryan »

got the bending form made and pics of it in my fox bender. Will work on the slats and springs.
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