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rooting Dalbergia latifolia cutting

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:03 am
by Chih-Wei Liu
Several yrs ago I was given one EIR(D. latifolia) seedling. I planted it in a small park and it grows vigorously. OTOH, all my D. nigra grow a lot slower than this D. latifolia. Recently I got an aeroponic cloner and I sticked some cuttings of both D. nigra and latifolia in it. Three weeks later, a cutting of D. latifolia starts to root! I'm sure D. nigra cuttings will root eventually. I have dreamed of making musical instruments with trees I planted myself, and that's one good reason to live healthy. :D


Re: rooting Dalbergia latifolia cutting

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:22 am
by Bill Raymond
There are rooting hormones available that one puts on the cut end of a cutting to stimulate rooting.

I hope you live for a long, long time--long enough to fulfill your dream.

Re: rooting Dalbergia latifolia cutting

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:40 am
by Chih-Wei Liu
Thanks, Bill! I guess the size of a trunk big enough for a 4-pc back is acheivable in about 15~20 years.

Re: rooting Dalbergia latifolia cutting

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:46 pm
by Bryan Bear
Wow, that is cool. Too bad rosewood won't grow in the midwest USA. And I'm not 20 years younger.