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String spacing 8 string bass

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:13 pm
by Jeff Mills
I'm currently building my first 8 string octave 33 1/4" scale electric bass filiing my own saddles and nut. I can find no standards anywhere on the string spacing (inbetween) strings. I drew up a full size drawing and 1/16" (inbetween) the octave pair looks good on paper. Bass strings vibrate a lot and I'm a little conserned about the octave pair hitting each other - expecially the bigger guages.

My string gauges are "standard"

whats your thoughts on 1/16" inbetween strings?

Re: String spacing 8 string bass

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:14 pm
by David King
Minimum 1/8" between strings at nut and closer to 3/16" at the bridge. You might get away with 1/8" at both ends and possibly a little less on the D and G strings but it all depends how you play. There's a reason most of the 8 and 12 string players play with a pick.

Re: String spacing 8 string bass

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:55 pm
by Jeff Mills
Thank you David 1/8" between strings will be my starting point. I'm going to invert the strings for finger playing mainly.