Query on Gibson "Futuristic" truss rod slots/pockets

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Bill Hicklin
Posts: 72
Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:16 pm

Query on Gibson "Futuristic" truss rod slots/pockets

Post by Bill Hicklin »

I'm puzzled by this little bit of geometry. Unlike Les Pauls and other higher-end Gibsons, the Korinas had no headplate veneer- they just painted the front of the headstock black. But that would mean that, with a 'normal' truss-rod slot, the slot would run right from the top of the nut- and this wasn't the case, they used the standard bell-shaped cover with a screw at the bottom center, because the TR pocket starts a quarter-inch or so above the nut..

Was the TR slot a stopped slot, then drilled through into the head? How were they constructed?
Bill Hicklin
Posts: 72
Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:16 pm

Re: Query on Gibson "Futuristic" truss rod slots/pockets

Post by Bill Hicklin »

Ok, never mind. I got it, from a photo of a somewhat battered Junior. The slot was filled all the way up with the top fillet, and then the access pocket was bored.
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