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Wire type/source and design, and "affixment" for piezo

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:12 pm
by Mike Sayre
I'm looking for tips about what kind of wire to use to wire up a two-element piezo affair. Perhaps it is not so critical, I probably can source some nice flexible stranded wire from a local hobby shop, if that would work.
I am thinking the two discs need to be wired in parallel, not in series; am taking direction on that also.
Lastly, I was going to spread a thin layer of epoxy or CA to help hold the wires mechanically, and CA the element to the soundboard. Is that the right approach?

Re: Wire type/source and design, and "affixment" for piezo

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:16 pm
by Mark Swanson
Use Shielded wire to solder onto the piezos.

Re: Wire type/source and design, and "affixment" for piezo

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:29 pm
by Peter Wilcox
Here's some info from a bass I made:

There's a lot in the library here too. I ended up using a thick layer of hot melt glue to mount 2 pickups in parallel under the bridge plate. I've never used them to gig with, so can't really say how they sound. They're just there as a contingency measure.

Definitely use shielded cable as Mark says, as their high impedance can pick up noise. Here's a pic of the way I mounted mine. I installed the jack on the side rather than at the tail so I could reach it through the sound hole in case I ever needed to.