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What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:09 am
by Mario Kessels
Hello everybody hope you all do well. I repaired and refinished an acoustic bass with satin gloss nitrocellulose finish. The pickguard which is a transparant thin plastic sheet like the blanks we order from stewm etc. It came of nice and the glue I could just peel off so I would like to glue this one on again.
Does anyone know what glue I could use? I am looking for a soft bond that does not affect the NC. Please advise with type since i cannot order glue from the US.
Thx for the help, grz from Holland

Re: What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:04 am
by Joshua Levin-Epstein,_adhe ... esive.html

Most people use these adhesive sheets.

Re: What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 12:43 pm
by Mario Kessels
I have these sheets. The question is what glue to use if you want to reapply one that does not have the adhesive on it anymore.

Re: What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:32 am
by Michael Lewis
Mario, make sure both surfaces are clean and free of any dust or debris, use the TRANSFER ADHESIVE sheet to apply the adhesive to the guard, then remove the other protective paper and apply the guard to your instrument.

All the pickguard adhesive sheet is is two slick papers with the adhesive between them. Remove one paper, apply to guard, remove the other paper and apply the guard to your instrument.

Re: What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:13 am
by Mario Kessels
Haha...i start to realize there is a communication error. I am not trying to attach a pickguard that has adhesive on it. I know how that works.
I removed a pickguard from a guitar. It is the type like the one you are describing, transparant and thin just like we use from stewmac.
I removed it and it was very easy to remove the adhesive that was left on it so i decided to reapply this one after refinishing.
So i have the pickguard now but there is NO adhesive on it. The question is: what glue should i use to install this pickguard now?

Re: What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:34 pm
by Bill Raymond
Mario, I believe you may have misread Michael's post above. He has recommended an adhesive that comes in a sheet and can be applied to the pickguard.

Re: What glue for pickguard on NC lacquer?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:29 pm
by Mario Kessels
You are right! I am sorry and thank you for the answer :-)

Best regards Mario