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Controls in Wood Top with no Pickguard

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:42 pm
by Alexander Higgins
Mid-way through a hybrid Steinberger neck/mahogany body project. It has three pots (volume bass and treble) and two micro-size toggle switches for active treble boost and pickup selector. I have left about 1/4" thickness between the finish top and bottom of control cavity. I can get long-shaft pots to run through the wood top, but how about long shaft micr-toggles? Does such a thing exist? How thin is it safe to make the top wood over control cavity? I picture dropping the bass and hitting a switch which then puches right through into the control cavity. I've seen it happen on a hollow body guitar. Do you guys reinforce the back of the control cavity with a metal plate? I thought I could drill out a mild steel hardware store mending plate or similar to back up the controls.



Re: Controls in Wood Top with no Pickguard

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:01 pm
by Rodger Knox
I've gone a little less than 1/8" in maple, I think you should be OK with 1/8" in mahogany.

Re: Controls in Wood Top with no Pickguard

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:08 pm
by John Sonksen
Rodger Knox wrote:I've gone a little less than 1/8" in maple, I think you should be OK with 1/8" in mahogany.
if the relief is only around the individual holes it will be stronger than taking the whole cavity down to 1/8" too.

Re: Controls in Wood Top with no Pickguard

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:09 pm
by David King
I agree, just counterbore with a forstner in a drill press where the switches are to 3/16" thick. That said many switches will work at 1/4" if you delete the inside washers. Harden the endgrain around the pots and switch holes with thin CA on softer woods.