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Recommmendations for maple neck

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:18 pm
by Thomas Dooher
I read through a ton of stuff here, still somewhat vague on what I want. I am refurbing an old Suzuki tele knock off (rosewood board, funky headstock shape), really converting it to a 'tribute' kind of guitar. To that end, I ordered (since I have had literally NO time in a hear to try build one) an unfinished, fretted, telecaster style neck. Nice maple fretboard. I wanted to not so much relic it as get that aged laquer amber tint. Also, I want to try to avoid the back of the neck getting tacky from my somewhat caustic sweat.

I had built a pinewood derby car that was a neck with a nut and used the dewaxed spray shellac, to give it a nice, golden tone. The can says it can go under other finishes (poly, laquer, etc), as it's dewaxed. That's one route I was contemplating. What are the pros and cons, and what would be some (better?) recommendations.

Re: Recommmendations for maple neck

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:23 pm
by David King
I'd try some dewaxed Garnet Shellac and topcoat that with something bullet proof if you think your sweat is going to attack the shellac. I like the brushable U40 Permagloss. Just rub the gloss off with 0000 steel wool once it has cross-linked in a week or two.

Re: Recommmendations for maple neck

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:57 am
by Mario Proulx

Re: Recommmendations for maple neck

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:06 pm
by Thomas Dooher
Thanks, David and Mario.