plastic binding question

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Mike Sandor
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plastic binding question

Post by Mike Sandor »

I just finished installing the binding on a acoustic. I have done similar binding on a few previous projects with out issue. Removed the tape a day later and noticed a few areas where the glue let loose.
I can push the binding easily back into position. Process used is the same as previous, brush on shellac, use weld on cement, pre bend the binding, and tape the bejusus out of it.
I used a bit of medium super glue to reattach but still puzzled as to cause. Is it possible that the shellac sealed up the surface causing a week bond with the glue?
I did use a 2 year old can of shellac and a new tube of glue.
David King
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Re: plastic binding question

Post by David King »

Try a shellac test on a piece of glass.
Weld-on is now Low VOC. I'm not sure if that's true with the little tubes.
Are you sure your binding is PVC and not ABS?
Mike Sandor
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Re: plastic binding question

Post by Mike Sandor »

Thanks for the reply Dave, as far as I know, the material is ABS and the glue is Weld on. Both purchased from Stew mac.
How does one tell the difference between ABS and PVC.
David King
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Re: plastic binding question

Post by David King »

I'd call Stewmac and see what they say.
The first thing I read on-line about Weld-on is that it's glue for PVC plastic.
I'm not sure how well it would work with ABS.
ABS has a slight smell when you scrape it while PVS is odorless.
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