2014 Gateway Area Luthiers Showcase

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Charlie Schultz
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Location: St. Louis, MO

2014 Gateway Area Luthiers Showcase

Post by Charlie Schultz »

Gateway Area Luthiers Showcase

The Gateway Area Luthiers are happy to be able to put on our fourth annual gathering in St. Louis. We hope to continue to have an event once a year for instrument makers within striking distance of St. Louis to meet up with other builders, swap stories, show off and trade tips. Since this group/event is in its infancy, we are still figuring out what the event should be and what people want to see. Whether you have made and instrument yet or not, or are selling 50 guitars a year, we would love to see you!

The event will be held at Hibdon Hardwood in St. Louis on Saturday, May 24 2014 from 9 am until 4 pm. Hibdon will be offering a discount to registered guests on the day of the event. Hibdon processes a ton of exotic guitar woods and we are lucky enough to get a behind the scenes glimpse of their wares. We are in the process of setting up some demonstrations for the event.

If you are new to the craft, PLEASE don’t be shy about displaying your work (warts and all). I understand the trepidation! When I went to the first show, I almost left my instrument in the car. Boy was I glad I didn’t! You will not be judged or criticized, but you just might get a tip that takes you to the next level.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, contact me via PM (Bryan Bear) here on MIMF with any questions. If you know you want to attend, we have an online registration form here:

In order to recoup some of the cost of putting on this event we have solicited the opinions of past attendees and come up with a fee structure that people thought was fair.
* Exhibitor registration is $20 and includes a table to display your work, access to the demos and lunch.
* Individual registration is $10 (Demos and lunch).

We also are trying out a $5 level for nonluthiers/players who would like to see the displays and chat with builders. This is something new we are trying to get started to allow people to show up and learn more about the craft and maybe even decide a handmade guitar is something they just can’t live without.

Thank you,
Bryan Bear
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