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purfling ledge

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:04 am
by Kary Karahadian
Every time i cut a purfling ledge i wonder why i don't just cut a full size rebate for both binding and ledge. my typical top purfling is 2.5mm, so i can imagine a full depth rebate there could weaker my laminated/solid linings which are 5/6mm wide. on the back however, my purling is only 1.2mm. doesn't seem like the purfling ledge is worth the extra work there. do most of us use a purfling ledge?

Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:14 pm
by Mario Proulx
If we cut the whole rabbet at full depth, we need to use purflings that are the same height as our bindings, which is very wasteful, not to mention that most pre-made purflings are either .060" or .080" tall.

The only time I use a full-height purfling is the first white line behind a TS binding, since the TS binding is transparent, and the full-depth white purfling behind it helps the amber areas of the TS to show better.

Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:17 pm
by Kary Karahadian
I make my own purflings from veneer that i rip off on a jig that i think i copied from you Mario (it works great, thanks). your point is well taken though, it is wasteful.

is your ledge typically about 1/2 the thickness of the top/back?

Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:53 am
by Greg Carter
All right; I'll bite. What's a "TS" binding?


Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:08 am
by Barry Daniels
Tortise shell

Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:04 pm
by Mario Proulx
is your ledge typically about 1/2 the thickness of the top/back?

Yes. At about 1/16" deep, it still allows plenty of sanding/scraping.

It's just a hunch, but I suspect another benefit of cutting a shorter rabbet is that we're less likely to have tearout issues.

Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:51 pm
by Ryan Mazzocco
Kary Karahadian wrote:I make my own purflings from veneer that i rip off on a jig that i think i copied from you Mario (it works great, thanks).

This seems to be one of the most challenging stages of the process for me. I'd really like to learn this process. could someone point me in the right direction for where to get a crash course?

Re: purfling ledge

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:15 pm
by Steve Rolig
I also cut my own purfling strips from veneer, but don't use any special jig. I clamp a straight edge rule over the veneer and cut off narrow strips with an exacto knife.
It takes a few passes but makes nice strips, as wide or narrow as you want. I'm in the 6 -10 guitars a year club now so spending that time is OK with me. Better than buying purfling as if you break one or need more just cut of some more.