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sanding with 500 fre cut

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:02 pm
by Bryan Jeppson
The 500 grit, though harder to come by, sure saves time versus 600 for finishes, but doesn't leave scratches like 400. Granted I'm using KtmSv instead of nitro, so taking down a harder finish will really make one appreciate the difference.

Re: sanding with 500 fre cut

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:11 pm
by John Hall
I used to do a lot of finishing but farm most out. I found that a good selection of grits will make the task more efficient. I would gauge things but the amount that I cut through the "orange" peel. I used a 400 wet to get 1/3 the way through the rough surface then jump to 600 and used 800 to hit the bottom. Depending on the point of finish cycle I am on. Once I am leveled I went to 1000 and worked up to 2500 grit and then the buffer

Re: sanding with 500 fre cut

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:53 pm
by Nelson Palen
Are you guys talking P grade or CAMI grade?