First Build - Tulipcaster

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Wayne Sutton
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:05 am

Re: First Build - Tulipcaster

Post by Wayne Sutton »

Thank you for the pic, I can definitely see how that would be the way to go. I think maybe Santa will bring me one of those workmates.

Well, after taking last weekend off there was some progress tonight. I just wasnt in the mood to make sawdust, so I figured I better just take a bit of a break.

I found a little set of Irwin Maples at a local big box home improvement store and decided I was going to start shaping the neck.



Originally I was going to thickness it with the router but after doing some thinking I decided to use the chisels. I know its going to take 100x longer but I am in no hurry. Plus this way I think I have a less of a chance to have a 'oh shoot' moment.
Wayne Sutton
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:05 am

Re: First Build - Tulipcaster

Post by Wayne Sutton »

I got a couple more hours in on the neck today. I got it to about the thickness I think I want it with the chisel (btw wear gloves! ouch! :lol:) and then I took my No. 4 hand plane and smoothed it out and got it fairly consistent checking with my caliper. Its about as consistent as I am going to be able to make it with what I got right now. I ordered a Spokeshave and some rasps to finish out the shaping. They are suppose to be here Tuesday so hopefully I will have a neck that is ready for nut and fret cutting next weekend!


Wayne Sutton
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:05 am

Re: First Build - Tulipcaster

Post by Wayne Sutton »

I got some progress done on the Tulipcaster and busted out a small project today as well. First the Tulipcaster...


Its probably hard to tell by the pictures, it kind of seems like pictures of this process is a bit pointless but 'if you dont post pics it never happened!' :mrgreen:

I got the sides straightened out to where I think I want them. At the nut its 1.75" and at the heel its 2.38" which is about 18/100" thicker then the neck I have been using as my basis. I think I can live with that :D. That is not a whole lot of difference down the neck but that will be alright.

But anyway, its straight so I will be able to figure out my trussrod channel. Also, once I get the neck nearly complete and functional, then I will worry about finishing the shaping of the headstock. It just doesnt make sense to me to do it now while there is a chance of screwing it up beyond repair.



I ordered my Trussrod and frets from Warmoth tonight. ... 85C46.aspx I went with this one because it looks like the easiest to install and it said it will work with a heel adjustment. I know it says its installed under the fretboard but I cant see any reason why I cant install it through the back? If it busts through Walnut and maple, that would be real impressive :shock:.

Now the other project... Get ready its beautiful! :lol:

My wife wanted to stop at the fabric store on the way home :cry: , so I turned my misfortune into some fun. I wanted the tackiest/ugliest looking paisley amp ever and I think I succeeded!





The only thing, is it looks like it was done by a bunch of rabid blind baboons. I think next time I think I will recruit the help from my wife. ;)
Wayne Sutton
Posts: 17
Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:05 am

Re: First Build - Tulipcaster

Post by Wayne Sutton »

Well, I was really hoping to get the truss rod channel routed and get a skunk stripe made today, but I was unable to find a 9/32 router bit locally. So, I had to order one and hopefully it will be here before next weekend. After taking last weekend off, I am getting a bit anxious to make some sawdust! Oh well, it is what it is. 8-)
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