Bookmatched maple twist

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Charles Savage
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:26 am

Bookmatched maple twist

Post by Charles Savage »

Greetings. A rookie builder here that has been away for a while but am back.

About 14 years ago. I cut a 1-3/4" thick maple board to be used on a LP style project and am just now getting back into it. However. the mating side that goes against the mahogany body is twisted and pulled away from a flat plane about 1/4". Am I limited to re-planing the offensive twist flat or is there another alternative? Each board is about 11/16" thick.

Thanks. Charlie
Alan Carruth
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Re: Bookmatched maple twist

Post by Alan Carruth »

Usually that sort of twist is nature's way of telling you that there was some stress in the wood; built-in as it grew or due to drying. A look as the end grain might help to diagnose it. You might be able to clamp it down or cook it in some way to untwist it, but the stress would still be there, even if it's reduced. Planing it flat is the safest way, but be sure to remove about the same amount of wood from both surfaces.
Charles Savage
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:26 am

Re: Bookmatched maple twist

Post by Charles Savage »

Thank you. I was thinking that was the sure safe way too. But there is a wealth of knowledge in these forums so I wanted to reach out first.
Charles Savage
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:26 am

Re: Bookmatched maple twist

Post by Charles Savage »

I came up with an idea that appears to have worked for me. I started to use a large and long hand plane but realized my inexperience and skills controlling the removal might have bitten me.
I located a scrap lumberyard 1 x 10 and screwed the maple to it from underneath after evening out the twist at opposite corners. Once it was screwed in with ample clearance of the screws I passed it through my planer. Once I do the other bookmatched board I will square and glue the edges and then glue to the mahogany.
I took pictures of the process but haven't figured out how to add them. Will keep trying.
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