Happy 26th Birthday, MIMF!

The place to chat with your fellow MIMForum members about whatever you want that doesn't relate to instruments, or isn't specific to one instrument family. Pull up a chair, grab a cold one out of the virtual 'fridge, and tell your friends what's on your mind.
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Jim McConkey
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Location: Way north of Baltimore, MD

Happy 26th Birthday, MIMF!

Post by Jim McConkey »

For those not keeping track, today (July 5) is the MIMF's 26th birthday! In our more active days, and long before COVID, we used to have live, virtual birthday parties including all manner of virtual chocolate (founder Deb's favorite food) treats, from chocolate cakes to chocolate beer to just plain old chocolate (dark, please!). No big party today, but have yourself a bite or two of your favorite variety today in honor of the Forum's longevity!

Thank you to all the members here who so freely share their knowledge and experience with others, and for keeping it civil while doing so. 26 years is a near eternity in the internet world, and we have only existed so long because of like-minded individuals asking and answering away in a cooperative way. Activity has definitely declined over the years. If you find this Forum useful, please share it with your fellow builders and encourage them to drop by. Maybe we can stimulate a little more interest and get more conversations going again.

And no mention of thanks would be complete without a huge round of applause for the all-volunteer staff who keep the place running smoothly and keep things civil. Special thanks to sysops Deb and Nick for founding the Forum so many years ago, and to Charlie for keeping it alive.

For our big 25th anniversary last year, we introduced some new commemorative swag, including T-shirts and mugs. In case you missed them, they are still available, and help keep the Forum running:
Plain old donations to the Forum are always appreciated, too! Link at the top of the page.

Happy 26th Birthday, and many more!
MIMForum Staff - Way North of Baltimore
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Bryan Bear
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Re: Happy 26th Birthday, MIMF!

Post by Bryan Bear »

Happy birthday and THANK YOU to all the staff and volunteers. I wouldn't be doing this at all had I not found MIMF back in the day. Reading the entire library was a huge help but the help I got from members along the way is something I will eternally be grateful for!

Take care of your feet and your feet will take care of you.
Eric Crawford
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:04 am

Re: Happy 26th Birthday, MIMF!

Post by Eric Crawford »

Happy Birthday
Thank you all!
Gilbert Fredrickson
Posts: 291
Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:07 pm

Re: Happy 26th Birthday, MIMF!

Post by Gilbert Fredrickson »

MIMF has been indispensable. I've learned so much here. Thank you. Happy 🎂.
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