Swirl remover following Micromesh on brass inlay

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Philip Donovan
Posts: 42
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Swirl remover following Micromesh on brass inlay

Post by Philip Donovan »


Please excuse if there was a more appropriate place for this post, that was not apparent to me.

Following a re-finishing of Tru-oil on a Walnut body, I am about to once again Micromesh the various brass control plates and decorations I fabricated for this solid body guitar. I have a new set of micromesh pads which I have found can get a pretty decent mirror level finish however, there always seems to be a level of very fine swirl clouds that never seem to not be there regardless of how diligently the cleaning between grits is applied.

The finest micromesh grit (12000) claims a fineness of 2uM. I imagine in order to further remove those very fine scratch patterns I would need say something that is 1uM or even .5uM, or maybe both in succession. Have any of you come across this issue? I'm wondering if there is any thing in the local retail stores that carries a solution to address this, perhaps an auto store, or metal outlet store. I've heard of diamond paste solutions for the final mirror finish treatment but, only finding these items online. Its too bad. The Micromesh "almost" makes it! Its those darn angel hair swirls.

Thanks for your time!
Phil Donovan
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Barry Daniels
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Re: Swirl remover following Micromesh on brass inlay

Post by Barry Daniels »

Use a metal polish. I have used wax bars with tripoli or grey buffing compounds that are used on a muslin polishing wheel. Also have used a metal polish that comes in a tube called Semichrome which works very well by hand application. I'm sure there are many others that would work.
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Philip Donovan
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Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:05 pm

Re: Swirl remover following Micromesh on brass inlay

Post by Philip Donovan »

I also see that the Micromesh brand has a 1 micron liquid abrasive swirl remover. I may just give that a shot - just looking to get it a little better and somewhat less hazy following the 9 grits of Micromesh pads.

Thank you very much!

Phil D
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