So, I was looking for the brand I used to buy, and found this article ... super-glue, which says, basically, it is all the same, and probably made by the same company, Permabond, and privately labeled. Wow, the Permabond brand is outrageously expensive, though.
I used to buy Bob Smith Industries, because I met a violin maker who said he uses CA glue for some specific repairs, and so he had tested a bunch of brands, and decided that Bob Smith Industries was the "best." I have no idea what his testing procedure was or what his criteria for deciding what made one brand better than the other were. However, it was hard to find this brand, and I did buy several bottles. I don't know if the bottles were old, but I kept the unopened ones in the refrigerator, and several went bad (hardened up) pretty quickly.
Now, I buy Pacer Technology Zap Adhesives. It is easier to find and about the same price. I just buy from Amazon.
One thing you can do to make it not bubble up is to spray on a light mist of accelerator, before you glue things together, and wipe it off. Then, wait a minute or so, and then glue. The CA will set pretty quick, and it will not bubble up and turn white. The thin is great for binding, because you put the binding in place first, and then wick in some thin CA.