Side Bending Conversation

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DJ Parker
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Side Bending Conversation

Post by DJ Parker »

Hello Folks,

Just wondering how you do your side bending. Let’s assume that many of you hand bend over an iron but for those of us who use a bending machine or apparatus this question is for you. I have a form that bent sides will sit in after they have been made. I use a silicone heating blanket and an ‘inside mould’ to shape the sides over like the Fox bender. My question: Have you made your inside mould smaller than the form to allow room for the sides? I have found that it is necessary and just wanted to get some feedback. By the time I have the sides, the silicone heater, the two flexible steel slats, and some foil or paper wrap I’m getting near 3mm and that is enough to make the fit into the form a bit tight.
Always open to new ideas or confirmation that I’m on the right track.

Mario Proulx
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Re: Side Bending Conversation

Post by Mario Proulx »

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Bryan Bear
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Re: Side Bending Conversation

Post by Bryan Bear »

Yep. Many people make their bending forms from the off cuts when making the mold. If you cut the mold parts out close to the line, you can clean up both the mold and the off cut and the amount lost in the process is close to the amount you need to be offset.

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Clay Schaeffer
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Re: Side Bending Conversation

Post by Clay Schaeffer »

"Yep. Many people make their bending forms from the off cuts when making the mold. If you cut the mold parts out close to the line, you can clean up both the mold and the off cut and the amount lost in the process is close to the amount you need to be offset."

That's how I do it. The offcuts from the outside mold can be used to make a simple block form which can be used with a blanket and kerf kore and clamps for bending, and also as a form for making laminated sides.
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DJ Parker
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Re: Side Bending Conversation

Post by DJ Parker »

Thank you very much!
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