The place to chat with your fellow MIMForum members about whatever you want that doesn't relate to instruments, or isn't specific to one instrument family. Pull up a chair, grab a cold one out of the virtual 'fridge, and tell your friends what's on your mind.
My overall experience is with older players who seem to listen more. Even though the guitars are pretty they never seem to be affected by looks.
I'm also fascinated by how a guitar responds to different's one of the things that thrills the heck out of me. There is no science that can beat the human experience. I love this game!
A guitar is a tool for making music so that comes first for me. I do appreciate nice woods and quality workmanship. Not big on bling but a bit of inlay can be nice. I do care what I play and I enjoy pulling something nice off the wall every day when I practice and out of the case every week when I perform. I have a few tools that look nicer than they need to but I enjoy them and paid a bit extra for them too. For that matter I've also been known to do a bit of custom work on my vehicles just cause I enjoy it and not necessarily because it makes them perform any better. Point is that some folks just enjoy the extras to some degree or other, some only care about the extras and some only care if the tool works. Different strokes.