I have bought a Dremel 4000. and a Precision Router base and a pearl inlay book ... Humørikonet smile And then I discover to my horror that you can not buy Abalone purfling inlays or pre-cot inlays .. posted to Denmark ..!
How should I make Inlays on my Guitares .. ??
Where to buy.?
Check with others in your country that might use mother-of-pearl or abalone shell. If there are no guitar builders there you might find people who build inlaid pool cues or other fine woodworkers who know of shell sources. There also might be a domestic source of fresh or saltwater shells that have usable bits. Finally, you can always use various colored woods and non-natural materials such as those used by pen builders. Plastic, bone and solid aluminum or brass are also good materials for inlay.
If you don't have one yet, you also need a jeweler's saw and sawblades. You can make your own wood cutting platform with a piece of hardwood.
You might as well get used to working with fake pearl which will become the de facto material for all of us soon enough. The best source I know of is: Masecraft Supply co. http://masecraftsupply-com.3dcartstores.com
Save that link is it was hard to find.