My favorite soft-faced fretting hammer - the 5 ounce dead-blow Stanley 57-540 - is on sale at Enco for $12.95, and with the '25JANFS' code at checkout, an order for two is less expensive than one hammer at Amazon, etc....give one to a friend for National Luthier's Day (FWIW, April 2ish). No relationship with Enco - just a good price on a tool that is quite useful.
And the old double-faced insert hammers and the new SM fretting hammer, plus brass dome and flat gunsmithing tools and a couple planishing hammers...prefer the Stanley over other soft-faced hammers due to perfect face radius, length, and feel. Also easy to find on bench.
Fretting Hammer at Enco
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- Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:57 pm
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