Selene 01 - rebuilding a once failed proyect

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Leonardo Silva
Posts: 124
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Selene 01 - rebuilding a once failed proyect

Post by Leonardo Silva »

If anyone remember my first build (which it was a fail) didn't made it at all, and I wanted to craft it again, better than ever and with all the experience I have currently, for it to work like it should have from the beginning, so I'll make a abstract about the current progress of this build.

NECK BLANK 3 piece nogal/Cumaru/Nogal

Cumaru is a great tonewood and mixed with Nogal it brings a warm/deep/darkish sound, but not muddy at all, the Cumaru brings all the clarity you need for your tone.


fretboard - Cumaru

Scarf joint done and truss rod channel, this time I used the router instead of chiselling it out, damn better this time


designing the headstock (now I make such good headstocks compared to the frst ones, better understanding of the designs and experience can give you good ideas.)

the final headstock is a bit different, but this were ideas


gluing headstock wings.

headstock template

headstock figured chestnut layer (some flame)

this is a good blank.


someone said chestnut?!, I did, this one is lighter than the first one I tried, more sweet in tap tone, similarlish to swamp ash.


New template for the body
Image(in red the original is drawn)
Imageremember me of mayonesse guitars or something

here the difference is more clear.

stewmac said a tip of hardening the template edges with some CA glue or epoxy, so I won't wear down the MDF template, maybe someone in here has tried it.

there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents (glued down later, it's invisiible)

beware on how you are routing your wood, you might get this.

Body work

I use masking tape on both the template and wood, then some double sided tape, it's so strong it's hard to take off, I saw Crimson guitars techniques with the same principle, but with CA instead of the double sided tape, in my experience the double sided tape has quite strong bond with paper instead of bare wood, and directly to the template or wood will give you a sticky mess.


with some help it CAN actually come off


headstock work

In the test, the farther tuners didn't fit, they were rubbing each others and couldn't be screwed down, so I made some modifications in measurements for the real headstock, always try in scrap, that has saved me countless times.

see how the tuners are offset, I want the straigthest string clearance from the nut to the tuners, in the end the best I could get is some sort of PRSish headstock but with offset tuners, so I should get straigther strings than PRS, still not perfect, I should investigate how to accomplish such task later.


Old vs New


also glued fretboard.

THAT'S IT, sorry for the photo storm, I promise this time the proyect will work as intended, thanks for reading and watching everything!
Perry Underwood
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Re: Selene 01 - rebuilding a once failed proyect

Post by Perry Underwood »

I really enjoy reading about your builds. Looking forward to more.
Gordon Bellerose
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Re: Selene 01 - rebuilding a once failed proyect

Post by Gordon Bellerose »

Yep, Me too.
Keep the pictures coming. As I said after your first build which you call a failure, it is refreshing to see someone post pictures of the failures too, not just the successes.

We can all learn from our mistakes, it is a big help that you show the mistake, and what you did to make the mistake go away.
I need your help. I can't possibly make all the mistakes myself!
Bob Francis
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Re: Selene 01 - rebuilding a once failed proyect

Post by Bob Francis »

At least 3 of us Leonardo 8-)
David King
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Re: Selene 01 - rebuilding a once failed proyect

Post by David King »

Great pics Leonardo.
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