Question on tru-oil and dyed flame maple with faux binding

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Eric Schmitt
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Question on tru-oil and dyed flame maple with faux binding

Post by Eric Schmitt »

The body I'm currently working on has a walnut back with flame maple top. The top is dyed with india ink and also has the prs style faux binding. I'm at the stage of my project where I'll be putting on the finish. I'll be using tru oil. Normally with a natural, undyed body I just wipe on a few coats of tru oil as a sealer, sand it smooth then add a few more finish coats. My question/concern is with wiping on the tru oil. I'm nervous that when I'm wiping on the tru oil it will dampen the dye and pull it into the maple faux binding. Is there any way I can be confident that this won't happen? Should I use a spray on sealer then tru oil over it, if so what kind is compatable? I don't have any spray equipment so anything that will be sprayed on will have to come in a spray can.
Rodger Knox
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Re: Question on tru-oil and dyed flame maple with faux binding

Post by Rodger Knox »

That depends on the type of india ink you used, there are several different types. Lampblack is the pigment, but the solvent may be water, alcohol, or something more volitile. I'd suspect your india ink is alcohol base and that TruOil may make it bleed slightly.
Wipe it on the faux binding first, then onto the color for the first couple of coats. You should be able to make it work with a little care.
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Eric Schmitt
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Re: Question on tru-oil and dyed flame maple with faux binding

Post by Eric Schmitt »

The india ink i used came from hobby lobby, it's Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay brand. It's in little jars for calligraphy pens. Here's a link to it. ... nk-107565/

I diluted it with some alcohol so it it would spread more evenly without diluting the color.
Eric Schmitt
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Re: Question on tru-oil and dyed flame maple with faux binding

Post by Eric Schmitt »

So I went ahead and dove in using Rodger's advice. My fear was the color soaking into the rag while applying oil and spreading where I didn't want it to go. Great note, that didn't happen. What did appear to happen is the oil took some color futher down into the open grain of the "tiger stripes" of the maple on the edges as it soaked into the wood. It doesn't look too bad, I've only put one coat on, and I think I can clean it up with some light sanding after the oil dries.
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