2" neck transplant.

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keith cook
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2" neck transplant.

Post by keith cook »

Hi. I am new to this forum and new to guitar playing. I am 55 and just started learning to play this spring. It's going well, and I really enjoy it. How ever, I am forced to play a classical because of my thick, square fingers. Even my teacher admits I may have to stick with a classical. I have tried many steel string guitars but they are all too narrow. My wood working skills are very good and have been thinking about how possible it would be to transplant a 2" neck onto an existing body, and I am open to any advice.
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Barry Daniels
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Re: 2" neck transplant.

Post by Barry Daniels »

When building a guitar you can make any size neck you desire. Transplanting necks requires matching scale lengths, and neck joint systems and dimensions. A dovetailed neck off one guitar is unlikely to fit the body of another.
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Dan Pennington
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Re: 2" neck transplant.

Post by Dan Pennington »

Many ways to go!
Buy a used cheap full sized Taylor, or a GS Mini, Or a Big Baby - all with bolt on necks. Duplicate the neck with a wider fingerboard. Easier to do on the Big baby. Then sell the original neck.

Or look on eBay for an oriental made guitar with a broken neck. They usually have a doweled epoxied neck joint. Saw the neck off flush with the body and throw it away. (The neck, not the body.) Make a new neck. With either threaded inserts in the neck heel or lag screws into the heel. Drill matching holes thru the neck block. I've made a half dozen guitars with bolt on butt joints and they work.


keith cook
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Re: 2" neck transplant.

Post by keith cook »

Thank you that definitely gives me somewhere to start. Could you recomend a website or good book where I could read up some more on this subject? The bolt on neck seems like the right way to go.
Also, would it be possible to purchase such a new neck or would l have to make one?
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