Bracing, to tuck or not

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Tom Martin
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Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Tom Martin »


I am planning my first build (acoustic steel string guitar). As I've researched different designs and bracing patterns I've noticed some tone bars and bridge plates are actually tucked in to the X braces. Is this more the exception than the rule?
Among the books I am reading is Cumpiano/Natelson. They advise the bridge plate and bars to abut the X braces. Any insight into the merits or demerits of tucking in the tone bar bracing and bridge plate is appreciated.

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Bob Gramann
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Bob Gramann »

I tuck the braces into the X but not the bridgeplate. I want to be able to extract the bridgeplate if necessary. I don't want a brace to pop loose if the guitar takes a light blow.
Michael Lewis
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Michael Lewis »

I would rather have a brace pop loose than fracture. Some repairs are easier than others, but then that's the way I think.

I don't see much structural difference between tucking and not tucking. Less work to not tuck.
Chuck Tweedy
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Chuck Tweedy »

Hey Tom, it's your choice on the brace ends - this is a long running question on these forums (you have no idea how many times I've seen threads with exactly you title!)

The bridge plate - however - you DO NOT want to tuck under anything. As Bob said, it may need to be replaced some day, so just butt it up tightly against the braces.
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Rodger Knox
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Rodger Knox »

I believe the majority of the folks here tuck the braces into the lining above the soundhole, but not below.
i don't remember much discussion of tucking braces into braces.
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Alan Carruth
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Alan Carruth »

I don't tuck the bridge plate for the reason already given: you might have to replace it some day.

The rule I use for braces is to tuck them in if they are taller at the end than about 1/3 the thickness of the top. At that height they add a lot of local stiffness, and will be likely to pop loose at the end from a sudden blow as the top bends more easily than the brace. I've seen a lot more braces that have peeled up than I have ones that were properly inletted and broke. In fact, about the only broken braces I've seen have been X-braces that split at the box joint because they didn't have proper reinforcement on the top; either a wood or cloth patch. Even then they don't usually break unless they have some runout. I think that any blow that would break a brace outright is likely to do enough damage to the top that you'd be in for a major repair no matter what. Just my opinion.
tony lubold
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by tony lubold »

I'm not as professional as some of the other responders but I have made two acoustic guitars and have helped with two others. I've also made two Irish Citterns using a similar bracing. The oldest guitar is only 5 years old so it's not really a test of time just yet, but I try to tuck the "X" bracing but never the bridge plate. It's my feeling that if you're contemplating using a pegged bridge that it will pull the bridge plate into the top and with all hope will not give it the opportunity to come loose. As much as it might fly in the face of traditional wisdom, I use yellow glue to attach the bracing. I use the go bar press mold to sand the bracing and also use carbon paper to ensure the best possible fit. I have a hard time imagining that they will ever fail but it would be a nasty job to repair if they should.
Steven Smith
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Re: Bracing, to tuck or not

Post by Steven Smith »

Based on discussions with more experienced folks I have been tucking all braces above the sound hole but not those below and that includes the ends of the X in the lower bout. All untucked braces are tapered to the soundboard approximately 1/2" to 1" from the lining to help prevent the peeling problem Al noted in his post.
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