Thanks all, the stippling was done with a high speed pneumatic hand piece like a denist drill with a small carbide ball bit. Much faster then taking the background dow and stippling with a nail or punch. Since I have had the drill for many years now I figured I use finally use it. Everything else was done with carving chisels, gouges, knives and some gun stock checkering liners. I may use the power carver a little more in the future but I want to master the hand tools first. If I want to go out side in a park or something to carve I can't very well take a noisy compressor with me.
If you all interested in seeing my influences on this then check out the links below. I hope others will want to give it ago as well.
Check out the pages in the book. ... erber.html ... 731&type=1 ... 731&type=1
Chistian an amazing Luthier also did the photos for the book and has done repairs and resto work or Weissgerber Guitars.
Might do that Mark. But keep in mind I'm just learning this stuff myself and fumbling along much like with my lutherie.