Please put your pickup/wiring discussions in the Electronics section; and put discussions about repair issues, including "disappearing" errors in new instruments, in the Repairs section.
Hi Mark, that is a nice telecaster there...what kind of neck joint does it have? It's really a Gibson/tele clone if you ask me- with that bridge set up and those humbuckers anyway.
There must be something about guys named Mark and this kind of telecaster! Mine is very similar, same wood and bindings.
Mark Swanson wrote:Hi Mark, that is a nice telecaster there...what kind of neck joint does it have? It's really a Gibson/tele clone if you ask me- with that bridge set up and those humbuckers anyway.
There must be something about guys named Mark and this kind of telecaster! Mine is very similar, same wood and bindings.
Hi Mark. Thanks!
The neck is set at 3° to accommodate the bridge. This guitar was my entry in the Telecaster Build Challenge last year. I wanted something different with this one. It's bookmatched mahogany top and back with bent sides over a chambered alder core. Flame maple binding. The extra switch on the control plate is for series, coil cut, parallel on the bridge PU.
May I ask how Mark Swanson's signature which shows a logo and a link to his commercial website are compatible with the forum rules? I assume they are because Mr. Swanson signature says he is on the MiMF Staff, but rule #1 says "Participants may not post a URL or link to any pages or images at their own commercial website in MIMForum messages" and "Participants may not use a "signature" with a description of their product or services at the end of Forum messages." This seems like a conflict.
Not that I mind. On the contrary, I have no problem with Mr. Swanson's signature, logo or link. I enjoyed having a look at his guitars. I might like to do the same with my signature frankly, but my reading of the rules both generally and specifically suggests this is strictly forbidden. What am I missing?
Hi Craig, you're not missing anything...I was playing with the way the signatures work, and wondering if my new signature would create any conflicts. Since this new board is still testing, it's time now to work these things out.
Now I'll have to run to Charlie and the rest of the Staff to see how we want to handle this, and I might need to take that out of my signature! the same links are shown in each members' profile as well.
I'm certainly not lobbying to have it removed. Quite the opposite, I favor links, signature tags, commercial or otherwise. I guess there must have been some problems here in the past, but of the 4-5 forums I frequent, this forum is by far the most concerned about things like this. Most forums seem pretty well self regulated. If someone gets way out of line, there are usually more than one member who will tell the offender to take his BS elsewhere. Personally, I've found spammers and trollers are far more of a problem and they don't read rules anyway.
Mostly, I'm just trying to understand the rules on a forum where the rules seem to matter to a lot of the members.
I've been a registered member of MIMF for years and use it often for research, but I have not kept track of daily posts or posted much because the interface was cumbersome. phpBB is so much better. One of my favorite features is the View New Posts mode. That's what my bookmark points to and that way I can quickly keep up with new posts.
Very much looking forward to the MIMF forum going live.
Hi Craig,
Thanks for pointing that out. For now, the rules are the rules and we need to be consistent as I've pointed out to Mark. Once we get this set up and go live, we do plan to review the rules and make some adjustments as we see fit.
Charlie Schultz wrote:...and make some adjustments as we see fit.
Hi Charlie. Not sure this is the correct place to point this out but since we're talking about testing and such. I've noticed that all the notice emails I get from the forum show to be from [Personal e-mail removed by staff]instead of the The MIMF. Seems you could change that to reflect the brand of the forum and prevent some confusion...I wasn't sure what the emails were at first.